'Human Dignity is the true measure of Human Development' - (Asian Human Rights Commission 2006)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Like other contracts, a contract of employment is governed by the general principles of the Law of Contract. The essential constitutive elements of a contract must therefore be present before a valid contract of employment can exist. However, this contract differs from the ordinary contract in certain respects; first, the remedy of Specific Performance is not readily available for the breach of a contract of employment, since it is trite that a willing employee cannot be foisted on an unwilling employer. Also, the relationship borne of this contract is largely affected by statutory regulations.

In Addressing this subject, the following key ingredients will be considered in due course;

1. Offer
2. Acceptance
3. Consideration
4. Certainty
5. Consent
6. Legality and
7. Contractual Capacity

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